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Link To Me

Below are a number of different banners you are welcome to use.

Right click on the image you want and select "Save Picture as"... pick the spot on your hard drive you want to save it (ussually where copies of your own web pages are). Don't forget to up-load the image to your server where your pages are.

To link the banner, use this code:

<a href=""><img
src="Name of Image you saved" border="0"></a>

( Be sure to include .gif in the image name.)

To add a text link under the banner, use this code: (see example)

<a href="">
< img src="Name of Image you saved">
< br>Wolf running with the Spirit Wind</a>

In the text link, you can replace "Wolf running with the Spirit Wind" with if you want.

I would be happy to add a link to your page provided a few simple things:
1. The web site is "G" rated and does not demean any group of people.
2. It has something to do with one of the following:
     Recovery, spirituality, motorcycles, Native American, college, psychology, creative writing, self improvement, wolves, environmental protection, or something you really think fits the theme of my web site.

Thank you for adding my link. If you don't mind, please email me and let me know what page you added my link to.

Example of banner with text link:

Wolf running with the Spirit Wind